This is from a shoot we once did inside a haunted house. Not a house that is haunted but one of those commercial haunted houses where they have decorated all spooky and a guy in a clown mask jumps out to scare you. That minimizes this haunted house though, which is not my intention because it was cool as hell and the owners were cool as hell for letting us shoot there. Many of the models were doing an undead Disney princess thing, which hopefully doesn't lead to me having to take this post down. But until the lawyers with mouse ears on show up, enjoy these pics which I think turned out really well.
Rockin' Granny
A little shoot we did for a themed contest. We didn't win but I think the pics turned out pretty good considering the slapdash way we put the shoot together. We only took a few pics on this shoot so there aren't as many. The theme was older people people younger things. For the first two we have her rocking out on an electric guitar. In the last one she is playing video games while wearing unicorn headphones.
Drawings set 1
We are photographers, but sometimes we like to try our hand at other things too. For instance, sometimes I try to draw. But as an artist, I'd have to say I'm a decent photographer. My partner on the other hand is very talented. Unfortunately, these are mine. I am very influenced by pop art. My rendition of comic characters are worse than my other attempts for some reason. But what the hell, I am also egotistical enough to want to show them all off, so here they are. By the way, the first one I hand painted. The rest were hand drawn and colored digitally.
I am a big fan of pop art, which I think you can see in many of these, especially this one. It started life as a photo of me wearing a cowboy hat and sitting in a chair. It's final form is crude, but I like the black and white simplicity of it. I know I'll never be known for intricacy or technical skill, so my hope is to impart emotion.
This drawing I was hoping to get across the impression of a gangster's moll, without being completely accurate to a 1920's aesthetic.
Here I was going for a pulp fiction science fiction brand of cheese. It's not one of my better renditions of the female form.
One might get the impressions that my tastes don't run entirely to the vanilla. One's impressions might be true. Although my favorite aspect of this naughty tableau is the water stained look at the bottom.
A jester, I'm not entirely satisfied with the look of this one. But I believe that art is a process of learning and improving, and it only dies when you are completely satisfied with the last thing you did. Or maybe that is just my rationalization for continuing on when I know that I'm not very good.
I like this one. It's a profile of a female face against a black background. It was very much inspired by the portraits of actresses released by the Hollywood studios during the silent film period. It may not be technically great, but it's better than much of my others, and think has a pleasing look to it.
Another, shall we say spicier picture. Meant to convey the anticipation of being blindfolded and not knowing where the next touch will come from, or maybe even who.
As a fan of martial arts movies, this was my attempt to pay tribute.
A couple of very bad attempts to render a couple of popular comic book characters.
My lack of technical luckily pairs well with my abstract aesthetic, as shown in this silhouette of a pair og legs. While Warhol is not in imminent danger of losing popularity to me, I do like the way this one turned out. Who knows, maybe silhouettes are my forte.
It doesn't take long for me to stray back into the naughty. This is supposed to be a woman who is either in mid-seduction, or maybe is about to pleasure herself. Either is feasible and valid, and both are equally exciting to reprobates such as myself.
Boudoir Set 15
More photos from an old boudoir shoot. On these we played with color, making a couple of black and white shots. A couple of the angles are ...

More photos from an old boudoir shoot. On these we played with color, making a couple of black and white shots. A couple of the angles are ...
These boudoir shots are a bit more risque than some of the others so far. But I happen to think that nudity and even eroticism are not inco...
A collection of photos I have taken, beginning with One of an old courthouse in Arkansas that dates from the late 1800's. Along with th...