
Boudoir Set 15

 More photos from an old boudoir shoot. On these we played with color, making a couple of black and white shots. A couple of the angles are a little wonky. We also played with swapping the background out, and I think made a couple of nice pics in the process. Hope you enjoy!

Boudoir Set 14

 These boudoir shots are a bit more risque than some of the others so far. But I happen to think that nudity and even eroticism are not incompatible with art. Even the old masters painted nudes. And the whole point of art is to create beauty, and in my mind there is nothing more beautiful than the human (especially female) body. If it seems like I am justifying it may be because I have been accused of taking "dirty pictures" when I feel that that is not at all what I do. Anyway, here are the pics, enjoy!


 If you ever get a chance to see Weezer, you should absolutely do it. It's a great show nd a lot of fun. These are pics from the time I got to see them. The show is great with the backdrops changing and the big beach balls getting bounced through the crowd. But the songs are of course the highlight, and they sound great. Here are some pics that cannot begin to convey what a good show this was. Enjoy.

Mixed Photos

 A collection of photos I have taken, beginning with One of an old courthouse in Arkansas that dates from the late 1800's. Along with the photo is a version where I used Gimp to strip the color and added a lot of grain to make it look old. Decide for yourself if it works or not. Next up is Reunion Tower in Dallas, both from directly underneath and from a way off looking at the skyline. A kid playing in an inflatable obstacle course. A house out in the country. Even though this was taken in the U.S. it has a very English feel to me. It puts me in mind of a Tolkien landscape almost. Next is a flower, because flowers are pretty. The next shot was a dock late on a foggy summer night. It came out hazy, but I ended up liking that effect. It reminds of the poster for The Exorcist almost. Next up is a concert crowd. I didn't get there in time to get close enough to get good shots of the band, so I had to make do with this shot of the crowd, which I wound up really liking. And finally,

Nature Shots Set 2

 As much fun as doing the costumed theme shots can be, sometimes you find more beauty in nature than in any carefully orchestrated scene. Here are some shots taken while just out wandering. There's a rushing river, a trail going up into the woods made of old railroad ties, a lake whose surface is so still and reflective it acts as a perfect mirror for the trees around it, a bee and a butterfly, a flower, and of course the moon (once during a blood moon). Since right now spring is coming this seems like a good time to share these, and to hope while doing so that I am going to get a chance to add to the collection very soon. Enjoy.

Miscellaneous Concerts

 Here are a few more shots from some concerts we took. Some were taken with a phone, some were taken with a small point and click camera, so none are the greatest quality. Still I think there are some fun and interesting shots.  The first set is from Bret Michaels from when he was touring by himself before Poison got back together. The next bunch is a band called Andrew McMahon's In The Wilderness. I've got one shot here of A Perfect Circle. And these last two, to be perfectly honest, I don't remember who they are.